We at Bharat Masala introduce you to a range of spices that will enhance the taste of your food. At Bharat Masala, we think of “spice” as something special. It brings back memories of delicious meals, joyful celebrations, and tasty toppings. Mr. Jagjivandas Bhavsar laid the foundation of this spice business in 1953. He was a freedom fighter and spent a lot of time in prison for his beliefs. He even had the honour of be friending Mahatma Gandhi. With limited resources, he began Bhavsar Masala Mill with mixing and blending basic masalas like Pavbhaji Masala, Garam Masala and Dalshak Masala. Initially, it was a small-scale operation. Joined by his son later, Bharat bhai expanded and rebranded this business and started Bharat Masala. He further expanded the business by acquiring state of art technology for cleaning, blending, roasting of spices right under his supervision. He started first retail store in Bhagatalav. His legacy is continued by his sons with over 100+ varieties of masala.